1 ) A solution of a differential equation that is free of arbitrary parameters is referred to as a ………….. ( Particular ) solution .
2 ) For what value of "c" , the following ( IVP ) holds the respective function?
Correct Answer : - D ) c = 5 ,
3 ) Which of the following differential equation holds the following solution ?
Answer : - C ) .
4 ) Under what condition the following differential equation becomes homogeneous ?
Answer : - B ) h = 2 ,
k = 1 .
5 ) Which function satisfy the following
equation ?
Answer : - E ) ,
6 ) For what value of f ( x , y ) , the following differential equation
holds ?
Answer : - A ) ,
7 ) The integrating factor of the
following equation is …………… …….….
Answer : - C ) ,
8 ) For what " c " , the following function
satisfy the respective IVP ?
Answer : - D ) ( 1 / square root ( 2 ) ) ,
9 ) A solution of differential equation that is identically (0) zero on an interval "I" is called ……………. ( Trivial ) solution .