1 ) There are 3 bulbs of 600 W , 200 W , 300 W . Which bulb has thickest filament ?
A ) 200 W , B
) 300 W ,
C ) 600 W , D
) None of these ,
Answer : - A ) 200 W ,
Because power is inversely proportional to thickness of a
bulb . So less power , more thickness
. And 200 W bulb has less power and more
thickness .
) The Earth rotates at a moderate
angular velocity of ………… ( 7.29211 x
10^(-5) red/sec ) .
) Maximum velocity of mass spring system
is ………. ( v˳ = x˳ * √(k/m) ) .
) Kinetic energy if electron in Coolidge
tube is proportional to ………..
potential ) . K.E = ev .
) The period of satellite in an orbit of
radius R is T . So what will be time period , if radius is 4R ?
A ) increase by 2 times , B
) increase by 4 times ,
C ) increase by 8 times , D ) increase by 10 times ,
Answer : - C ) increase by 8 times ,
: -
6 ) If the tensile force is suddenly removed from
a wire , then its temperature will …………. ?
A ) increased , B
) decrease ,
C ) no change , D
) None of these ,
Answer : - A ) increased ,
) Angle between the coil of 3 phase is
………. ?
A ) 0 degree , B
) 90 degree ,
C ) 120 degree , D
) 180 degree ,
Answer : - C ) 120 degree ,
8 ) Real
and virtual mass of a photon is zero .
The far point for normal eye is ……….. ( 25 cm ) .
eye can see 25 cm to infinity .
10 )
A particle executing SHM have maximum velocity at …….. ,
A ) mean position , B ) extreme position ,
C ) same at everywhere , D ) None of these ,
Answer : - A ) mean position ,
11 )
Equation of continuity : - ρAV = ρʹAʹVʹ .
So , A/Aʹ
= Vʹ/V ,
Now go to online quiz section and check your preparation by this link : -